Skin Checks at KVM

Posted By Craig Rayner/Dr Megan Willaton  
14:00 PM

Skin Checks at Keilor Village Medical

Please book an appointment to speak to your KVM GP about a skin check/review. Our GP's can provide an initial check and refer you to the appropriate specialist for a more detailed review and further investigation. Our GP's are able to undertake a skin biopsy for pathology if necessary in our Treatment Room.

Tip: Seven S's of Sun Skin Care

S - SKIN protection & care all year round;

S - SPF 50 Broad Spectrum UVA & UVB always;

S - SLAP on a lip balm;

S - SUNGLASSES for protection form UV damage;

S - SCALP is a silent source of damage;

S - SURVEILLANCE by a skin team;

S - SOMEBODY to check areas you cannot see.

Dr Willaton